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What's New
2 articles
MHPOD Employer Access Token
What am I consenting to when I add an Employer Access Token to my profile?
Top Questions
6 articles
What is MHPOD?
Am I eligible to access MHPOD?
Can I use MHPOD for CPD?
I have forgotten my password, can you resend it to me please?
How do I get a certificate when I have completed a topic?
I can’t log in
3 articles
Privacy Statement
9 articles
Don't Panic
What Computer, Device or Web Browser do I need?
What is Web Storage?
Microsoft Edge End-Of-Life
Forgot Your Password?
Web Beacon API
What does "Authentication Header Missing" mean?
View all articles in “Troubleshooting”
Topic content and structure
11 articles
What is the knowledge check?
What happens if I answer a knowledge check question incorrectly?
How were the MHPOD topics chosen?
Does completing MHPOD topics earn credit towards Continuing Professional Development (CPD)?
What is in each topic?
How are the learning objectives organised?
What is in the Resources sections?
What is a learning objective?
View all articles in “Topic content and structure”