** Please note: Microsoft ended support for Internet Explorer on June 15 2022. As a result, we will be removing support for Internet Explorer 11 (and below) on December 31st 2022. If you are still using Internet Explorer, we highly recommend that you upgrade to a modern web browser in order to continue to use the MHPOD platform beyond December this year.
We try to support the widest possible range of browser, whilst attempting to give our learners a beautiful experience however we can't support every web browser.
We aim to support every major web browser with at least 1% market share running on actively supported operating systems from Microsoft, Apple and Google. While the site will work with a much broader range of browsers, our testing and development and support is limited to the above.
You can find a current list of all supported browsers on browserlist.dev. Here is the list as of November 2022.
2022-11-08: >1% market share.
Windows (Version 10+)
- Google Chrome 101+
- Microsoft Edge 102+
- Firefox 101+
- Internet Explorer 11 (Until december 31st 2022)
Mac (Version 11+ "Big Sur")
- Safari 15.5+
- Google Chrome 101+
- Firefox 101+
- Safari in Apple iOS 14 or later
- Google Chrome 103+ in Android OS 11 or later