The default cookie privacy settings for most browsers should be sufficient, however it is possible to change these settings to a level that means we can't maintain a login session as you move about the portal.

MHPOD doesn't use 3rd party cookies, so you don't need to enable those unless you are on a corporate network that is proxying MHPOD content. We do need first party cookies to be enabled however in order to maintain a session for you as you progress through the topics.

The process for managing your cookie settings is different for every browser and often different for every browser version.  Below are links to the major browser vendors and their instructions for managing cookies based on the latest version (as of June 2020).

Internet Explorer 11

  1. Select the cog/gear icon in the upper-right corner of the screen. If you have the Menu Bar enabled, you can select the "Tools" menu.
  2. Choose Internet Options
  3. Click the Security Tab
  4. Click the Internet Zone (earth icon)
  5. Click the "Custom Level" Button
  6. Next to "Reset to", choose "Medium-high (default)"
  7. Click the Reset Button
  8. Choose "Yes" when prompted to confirm and then "OK"
  9. Click Apply
  10. Click the Privacy tab
  11. Slide the settings slider to Medium
  12. Click Apply, and then OK

For more information on Internet Explorer, please see Microsoft's Help Centre.

Apple Safari

  1. Click the Safari menu from the top toolbar
  2. Choose Preferences
  3. Click the Privacy tab
  4. Choose anything other than "Always block". The default is "Allow from websites I visit"

For more information on Safari, please see Apple's Help Center.

Google Chrome

  1. Click the 3 vertical dots or spanner icon in the browser toolbar
  2. Choose Settings
  3. Under "Privacy and security," click "Site settings".
  4. Ensure that the first option does not say "Blocked" but instead says "Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended)". i.e. The toggle switch should be "on".

For more information on Google Chrome, please see Google's Help Center.


  1. Click the hamburger icon (3 horizontal bars) from the top toolbar, or the "Tools" menu on a PC if you have the menu bar enabled or the "File" menu on a Mac.
  2. Choose Options (PC) or Preferences (Mac)
  3. Click the Privacy tab
  4. Ensure that the checkboxes for Accept cookies from sites are checked or if given an option between "Standard", "Strict" or "Custom", choose Standard or Strict. If you choose "Custom" make sure you enable cookies and choose an option other than "All cookies" when choosing what to block.
  5. In older versions of FireFox there may be an OK button, but in more recent versions, you can simply close the settings tab.

For more information on Firefox, please see Mozilla's Help Centre.

Microsoft Edge

  1. Click on the More actions button on the toolbar, and select Settings.
  2. Scroll to "View advanced settings" and click it.
  3. Under Cookies section, select something other than "Block all cookies".
  4. Restart Edge.

For more information on Edge, please see the Microsoft Edge Help Center.